Thursday, June 6, 2019

Day 9 -- Lucky 13 -- VT, ME, NH

Many people think of 13 as an unlucky number.  However, our friend, Glenna Blackwell thinks 13 is her lucky number.  It is amazing how many 13s suddenly appeared -- Massachusetts was our 13th landing, Glenna's house number is 13, the traffic pattern at KBAF was 1300, and more.  So.... we were hopeful to have a lucky day.  We packed and preflighted the airplane - destination VT, ME, and finally Portsmouth, NH for a lobster dinner.  MOJO started with a nice prrrrr.  However, the right Dynon screen did not come on.  After some research with my sweetie - Roger,  Stein - our avionics guru, and Dynon, everyone thought it was a "sick" screen.  I always like to know "why" something happens.  No one had an idea about "why."  "It just happens - rarely," they said.  The left screen still worked so I felt OK flying VFR but we needed to leave quickly since weather was coming and the runway was scheduled to be closed the next day.

We took off from Portsmouth, NH (KPSM)  heading for Vermont.  The flight was beautiful over lush green trees.  We landed at KVSF, VT (Hartness State Springfield).  Wicked and variable winds again.  We lined up for 23 but ended up landing on 29.

Then east bound to Sanford, ME (KSFM).  Weary from the winds, we took a break in the cafe and considered staying overnight but the lobsters were calling us and Portsmouth was only a 10 minute flight.  Lodging was limited at Sanford.

Our final destination was Portsmouth, NH (KPSM).  Our mouths were watering for a delicious lobster dinner that was recommended by Jeff at Brandywine, PA.  We asked Brian, the avionics guy to look at the Dynon screen and he concurred that the glass panel had a rare failure.  We buttoned up MOJO, found a hotel, and drove to Ray's Lobster Restaurant for a memorable lobster dinner.

                                                       The approach to Hartness, VT.

                                                       Hartness (KVSF)  Terminal

Maine (KSFM)

                                              A view of the ocean approaching Portsmouth.

FBO at Portsmouth

                                             Rye, NH -- the location of Ray's Lobster Shack

                                               Ray's Lobster Restaurant and Claudette

A view of the coastline at Portsmouth, NH


  1. When I came to this page "Day 9 -- Lucky 13 -- VT, ME, NH" there were no comments? I wondered why?

    Then after I read your about your day, maybe I understood why there were no comments until mine.

    Myra you had us all drooling several days ago when you talked about a LOBSTER DINNER recommended by Jeff Souveg from Brandywine, PA (See Day 5). You had me again here (Day 9) when you talked about the "lobsters were calling us and Portsmouth…". So I thought okay we'll see the lobsters in the photos, right?

    In fact you soooo had me that on Day 8 of your trip (Wednesday, June 8, 2019) I ordered a ‘LOBSTER ROLL SANDWICH” at my cousin’s 8th grade graduation dinner in honor of you gals having lobster!

    Wrong, I looked! There are NO PHOTOS OF YOU TWO EATING THE LOBSTER! So, how do we know they even had lobster or whether you two really ate them?
    I mean, com on girl. You kept me waiting for 3 days now and still NO LOBSTER?

    Oops, I don’t have a photo of my lobster roll either 😊
    Hugs and fun,
    Dan Miller

  2. I like the photo from the cockpit of the approach into Hartness State Airport (KVSF), Springfield Vermont.

    The gliders on the field are really cool, looking like they’re lined up ready to be towed out.

    I know you two are usually very busy on approaches, but when and if, can one of you snap a few photos now and then from the cockpit of the airports from the air it's fun to see them for those of us who are arm chair flyers.

    What a wonderful collection of airport terminal building photos you'll have from all over the country when this finished.

    Great work! keep it going. We're all rooting for you two!

    Keep'em straight and level,

    Dan Miller
