Sunday, June 2, 2019

Day 7 — Unexpected

After an early morning wake up time and drive to Brandywine Airport and after speaking with a Weather Briefer, we decided not to fly our planned route of flight over the Hudson River Exclusion and other planned stops through the New England states.  There is always a silver lining. We came back to Philadelphia with Clare and Pat.  We hiked through the Wissahicken Park.  It was a beautiful 2 hour hike.  Since Clare is an expert on much in nature, she educated us about plants, birds, and rocks.  This was a very unexpected day and a really pleasant one. We will try our flight again tomorrow when the outlook is much better for traveling through the skies.

Pictures:  Top to Bottom

1) Covered bridge on our hike.

2) Clare and Pat in front of her twin house.

3) Masonry in the park.

4) Hikers may write a letter to the bridge

5) Pat holding the map of our two hour hike

                                                A covered bridge on our hike.


  1. Myra & Claudette - what an adventure! It's been a blast reading about your escapades from town to town. Nice to know Pat survived Mt. Everest well enough to travel to Clare's place and meet with you two!

    Molly (Claudette's friend :)

  2. Hey This brings back several very good memories of our visit to Clare's last year. That is a really great hike. Easy, lots of history, flora and fauna and very, beautiful. I'd recommend it to anyone near the area. Clare the greenery is really maturing and looking really good. In a couple years it looks like you might have your own mini-forest in front of your house!
    Clare and Patrick thanks for taking such good care of the flying females.
    All the best,
