Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Weight Challenged

We have been asked about packing and traveling in the RV - since we are weight limited LOL.  The RV14 holds about 100 pounds in the baggage area.  Since we will be traveling for two or three weeks, we take light weight, non wrinkling items.  We pack for about one week and hope we can find places to wash clothes along the way.  Since we know the temperature will vary, we both packed light weight puffer jackets that are in small pouches.  We also take food and water because you never know when you will be hungry.  We make an effort to stay hydrated. We take a swig of water every time we change fuel tanks.

       Baggage area loaded for our flying adventure


  1. Hi Claudette,
    what a Journey, flying to 48 states in this beautyful airplane!!!
    We will follow your adventure😀😀😀
    Gregor + Beate

  2. Hi Gregor and Beate, Thanks for responding to my email and giving my gal support. They just landed (a couple hours ago)in the 9th of their 24 State goal for visits for this year. That is if my count is correct!
    THREE Cheers to the 'MOJO' girls!!!
